News and Views

What can you do to support the Istanbul Convention?


NAWO is supporting the Istanbul Convention and the campaign to ratify it in the UK, what can you do to help?

Contact your MP

On 16th November IC Change will be having an event in parliament to increase support for the upcoming PMB. Due to extremely limited capacity the event will be very simple. It will be a drop in photo event for MP’s to have their photographs taken showing support for the PMB/Campaign.  IC Change have begun emailing MP’s asking them to come along and would appreciate if you are also able to let the MP’s in your networks know of this opportunity. For a draft email you can send to them, please feel click here

We would love to have you at the event with us, it will give us an opportunity to get some photographs of representatives from all supporting organisations, it’s also a great way to get photographs with your MP’s.

If you can come along please let IC Change know by 14th November 2016 by emailing Rachel Nye, and if possible bring along an a4 printout of your organisations logo (preferably on card) so that they can get a photo demonstrating who is represented.

What else can you do?

In addition you can organise a local coffee morning/craft activity at a very local level with a few friends or larger as appropriate.

The idea is to make paper dolls and put on comments about the IC.  These paper dolls can then be sent to the ICChange events to represent all those interested who cannot attend or the voiceless women it seeks to assist.

You can download a paper doll template for your event here

Please let us know if you are organising an event by emailing