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Making Gender Equality a reality

NAWO is an alliance of organisations and institutions working to make gender equality a reality.
NAWO’s membership varies from very large to very small; from service level and grass roots to international campaigning organisations.
It is this membership that gives NAWO its unique and respected position in both UK civil society and policy-making, and ensures that NAWO is well-qualified to contribute in a meaningful way to the policy-making process, and to represent the needs and interests of women in a robust and practised manner.

Membership Benefits:

  • Monthly newsletter which keeps members up-to-date with our activities, including information about events and campaigns organised by members of NAWO, forthcoming conferences and seminars relevant to women’s organisations, as well as funding and employment opportunities.
  • Quarterly thematic newsletter
  • Invitations to regular European Network Meetings for debates and discussions
  • Opportunity to respond to relevant Government consultations and shape national policy
  • Opportunity to campaign and lobby at European levels via the European Women’s Lobby (EWL)
  • Opportunity to network with other women’s organisations

Join the Alliance

Email: admin@nawo.org.uk
Membership Types:
Below you will find a variety of membership options, please download the relevant forms and return:
By post to: Wendi Momen, Assistant Treasurer, Wixhamtree, 28 Sand Lane, Northill, Biggleswade, Beds, SG18 9AD
By email, scan and send to: admin@nawo.org.uk
NB. Please note forms are in PDF to protect these documents, if you would like alternative formats please email us at admin@nawo.org.uk

Full Membership
For any voluntary organisation which wholly or mainly represents women and which has its headquarters in England.
Organisation Membership Form
Individual Membership
Individual Membership is for those working towards gender equality and committed to the principles laid out in CEDAW.
Individual Membership Form
Gift Aid Form
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is for organisations which do not meet the requirements for Full Membership but work for women’s equality.
Please email us at: admin@nawo.org.uk for more information
Exchange Membership
Exchange Membership is for reciprocal membership agreements between NAWO and your Organisation.
Please email us at: admin@nawo.org.uk for more information


Thank you, we look forward to welcoming you to our network!