NAWO’s letter to Justine Greening MP regarding the Open Letter to Co-Facilitators
On the 31st May 2016 Zarin Hainsworth, Chair of NAWO, wrote to Rt Hon Justine Greening MP (Secretary of State for International Development) on behalf of NAWO Members to draw the Government’s attention to the Open Letter to Co-facilitators of Follow up & Review by over 370 CSOs. This letter articulates three areas of concerns regarding the latest text prepared by the 2030 Agenda Co-facilitators on May 6th and 8th.
In her response to the letter, Justine Greening MP underlined that the Government “recognises the critical role Women’s Rights Organisations (WROs) play in achieving lasting transformation in women’s and girls rights and holding decision-makers to account” and urged us to “help to ensure that the global and national focus shifts from making pledges, to implementation of LNB, sharing evidence of what works, highlighting the importance of partnership with civil society and pushing for concete commitment”.
The NAWO’s letter can be viewed here and Jutine Greening’s response here.