News and Views

Statement after Brexit Vote


4 July 2016

Women – Stronger Together

At this turning point in history, as the UK prepares to leave the EU NAWO, like many other women’s organisations, is deeply and rightly concerned what this decision will mean for the women’s equality agenda.
At this stage we do not know what will happen but we do know that we must ensure that the lives of women and girls, in terms of employment rights, economic participation and ending violence against women and girls, are improved with rights preserved and strengthened. We know from experience that in a recession women feel the effects most. If there is another recession, once again women are likely to feel the greatest impact.

It remains to be seen how the UK’s exit from Europe will shape future policy around the equality agenda and women’s rights. At this juncture we are only at the beginning of understanding the implications of the decision and what it may mean for women and girls.

Like many people we are worried about reports of increased racism in the UK during and since the referendum campaign. NAWO echoes the voices of others – racism, sexism and all other forms of discrimination have absolutely no place in our society, and we condemn all such discrimination in the strongest possible terms.

We understand the enormity of the task ahead and are committed to work with the government to ensure gender equality is mainstreamed in the negotiations to implement the decision to leave the EU.  We look forward to working with government to ensure that advances made continue and an exit from the EU does not lead to a reduction in rights and opportunities for women and girls.

NAWO is a strong women’s organisation, committed to strengthening its representation of women across the UK and beyond. We will continue to work together with civil society organisations across the UK, Europe and the world for the advancement of gender equality and an open and inclusive world where the voice of every woman counts and no one is left behind.