NAWO Celebrates Elder Awards
NAWO held it’s first Elder Award Ceremony on June 2015 at Portcullis House (Houses of Parliament).
The Elder Awards were conceived in the acknowledgement that NAWO wanted to honour and celebrate feminists over 80 who have contributed significantly to the women’s rights movement, and to do so while these recipients were still working or residing in the UK. NAWO anticipates that the Elder Awards will be given out bi-annually, thus the next ceremony to take place will be in 2017, nomination forms will accordingly be distributed closer to this date.
The ceremony took place on Thursday 25th June, and was attended by representatives from UK Government, Women’s Rights NGOs and family members/friends of the recipients. The Awards were accompanied by a celebratory afternoon tea and Prosecco.
The remarkable women who received the Elder Awards this year, having made significant, dedicated and tireless contributions to the women’s movement (several are still active in the sector) were:
Margaret Owen OBE, Lois Hainsworth MBE, Valerie Evans CBE and June Jacobs CBE
The recipients (or their families and friends for those who were unable to attend), were presented with decorative glass bowls as a commemorative souvenir of their achievements.
We are currently seeking funding to support the Elder Awards, and to allow us to publicise the event and the recipients, in order to emphasize to the wider public the valuable impact of women in society, and the women’s rights movement.
If you feel that you would like to support this work, financially or otherwise, please contact admin@nawo.org.uk, thank you.