Why Our Human Rights Matter?
In December, we celebrated Human Rights Day. This year the British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) launched a Campaign, ‘Why Our Human Rights Act Matters’.
This was especially important following the Government’s announcement and plans to replace the Human Rights Act. The review of the Human Rights Act by the Panel of the Independent Human Rights Review was published on 14 December. Along with the review report the Government launched a consultation setting out how they plan to replace our Human Rights Act with a Bill of Rights. This has the potential to reduce human rights protection in the UK
NAWO joined BIHR and some 150 other organisations and sent a letter to the Prime Minister and political leaders to challenge them to secure our Human Rights Act.
Organisations included those working with children, carers, people with learning disabilities and mental ill-health, women experiencing violence, migrants, older people, and groups campaigning for LGBTQ+ rights, fair trials, access to justice, decent housing and against racial discrimination and to increase the UK’s democratic accountability.
Sanchita Hosali, said “Rather than hyperbole and rhetoric bordering on dog whistle politicking, we need a government that is willing to stand up for Our Human Rights Act, our way to hold them to account.”
Read the letter and press release and letter here
The imperative to make clear to those in power that we believe our Human Rights Act matters is greater than ever. BIHR as part of its campaign ‘Why Our Human Rights Matter’ has curated a blog series in which a wide range of people share their own personal perspectives on why the Human Rights Act matters to them. If you want to know how you can participate in the campaign or read the blogs of those who have already participated click here
BHIR have created a Human Rights Act Reform Hub where you will find information on:
• the Human Rights Act.
• the Human Rights Act review and Government consultation.
• BIHR response
• Why Our Human Rights Act Matters campaign and how we can get involved and more…..
BIHR have also launched a 5-part action plan in response to the Government’s consultation, setting out the actions they plan to take and how you/we can get involved and add our voice to the Campaign.
Familiarise yourself with the Plan here
The Government consultation will be open until the 8 March 2022. It seeks views on the Government’s proposals to revise the Human Rights Act and replace it with a Bill of Rights. Each proposal is accompanied by specific consultation questions. The Government invites us to respond to the questions as well as make submissions that deal with the subject of human rights more generally. You can access the consultation here It is an on-line survey or access to a printed survey that can be downloaded.
In response to the Government’s proposals to reform the Human Rights Act, Baroness Kishwer Falkner, Chairwoman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, has published a statement.
“The Human Rights Act plays a vital role in protecting everyone in the UK…we will welcome any changes which would strengthen protections and oppose any that might reduce or weaken them. We will respond to the consultation in due course”