16 days of Activism
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.
It was started by activists at the inaugural Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991 and continues to be coordinated each year by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership.
It is used as an organizing strategy by individuals and organizations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.
Orange the World in partnership with NAWO
25 November – 10 December 2021
Step-up with us to eliminate VAWG
Share your testimonies and stories with us!
2021 Context
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence is an international campaign held every year to raise awareness, support initiatives and this year, use our voices to amplify the negative impact of Pandemic, Climate Change and Crisis on women and girls.
Pandemic and Climate Change/Crisis is exacerbating an alarming rise in multiple forms of violence against women and girls.
School closures, financial and food insecurity have heightened the risk of violence for women and girls including sexual exploitation, harassment, FGM and child marriage.
With the closure of shelters and services for women and girls VAWG survivors are more likely to be at risk from perpetrators and seeking help becomes even harder.
Ending violence against women and girls is not on pause because of Pandemic or Climate Change/Crisis and we, the National Alliance of Women’s Organisations (NAWO) in the UK, are inviting you to step up with us to draw attention to the appalling impact on women and girls in the world.
We are asking you: Will you step-up with us to eliminate VAWG?
Our orange campaign will:
Work in partnership with you to find our voices to demand the end of Violence against Women and Girls.
Together we will speak on behalf of those who feel unheard and invisible so that they will find their own.
Will you share your stories with us so that others will feel able to come forward?
Benefit from taking action each day for 16 days – no matter how small, how modest, how insignificant you think it is – small is beautiful!
Tell us about it!
Provide a safe platform for anyone engaged in our 16 Days of Activism to prevent Gender Based Violence 25th November 2020 – 10 December 2021
Value your 16 Days of Activism donations, learning and your actions: they really count!
We invite you using one of the topics below to submit a testimony, witness statement or thought piece reflecting the world you live in as a woman of any age – we welcome and value your contribution especially from:
– older women
– disabled women
– widows
– women in poverty
– survivors of domestic violence
– minority women
– survivors of slavery and trafficking
– marginalised women everywhere
16 Days of Activism: our themes
Friday November 26: Unity against Rape
Saturday November 27: Violence against Indigenous Women and Tribes
Sunday November 28: FGM
Monday November 29: International Women Human Rights Defenders
Tuesday November 30: Human Trafficking
Wednesday December 1: World Aids Day
Thursday December 2: International Day of the Abolition of Slavery
Saturday December 4: Child Marriages
Sunday December 5: International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development
Monday December 6: National Day of Remembrance
Tuesday December 7: Discrimination Against Women in Rural Communities
Wednesday December 8: Sexual Exploitation
Thursday December 9: Women and Girls Fighting Sexual Harassment
Friday December 10: Human Rights Day

#16Days – SecurityWomen: Violence is not inevitable

#16Days of Activism: Celebrate, Advocate, Encourage a Widow