NAWO Protection & Safeguarding Policy
July 2021

About us
The National Alliance of Women’s Organisations (NAWO) is an alliance of diverse membership organisations and individuals that champions women’s empowerment, underpinned by the values of UN gender equality principles. NAWO’s membership varies from very large to very small; from service level and grass roots to international campaigning organisations. It is this membership that gives NAWO its unique and respected position in both UK civil society and policy-making circles, and ensures that NAWO is well-qualified to contribute in a meaningful way to the policy-making process, and to represent the needs and interests of women in a robust and practised manner.
Underpinning our organisation is an active promotion of the welfare of its members and also to provide a safe environment for all those who come into contact with NAWO or are engaged with its work. Assessment and management of risk is pro-active and on-going. NAWO’s approach is one where risks to harm are minimised by taking action through our Protection and Safeguarding Policy to address any concerns, ensuring reflective practice and seeking expert advice where necessary.

Download our Safeguarding Form