The National Alliance of Women’s Organisations is proud to provide a space for our incredible members to network and learn from other members’ unique expertise.
By way of our member spotlights we hope to share the hugely valuable work that our members do for women, be that on a local, national or international level.
This spotlight we’re focusing on Orchid Project, an organisation working to eliminate FGC. The following summary was provided by the member organisation:
“Orchid Project is a charity with a vision of a world free from female genital cutting (FGC). We work to achieve this through partnering with grassroots organisations; sharing knowledge, research and best practice; and advocating for the prioritization of ending FGC.
Orchid Project recently partnered with Girls Not Brides and Tostan to bring representatives together to learn from the community-led movement in West Africa to end female genital cutting and child marriage.
In the video below, people working within communities in East Africa share their learning on how to take a holistic, community-led approach to empower communities to end harmful traditional practices after attending the Tostan Training Centre in Thiès, Senegal
(this film was created in partnership between Orchid Project and Girls Not Brides, with thanks to Tostan).”