News and Views

CSW 57: 4-15 March 2013
The fifty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women took place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 4 to 15 March 2013.Priority theme: Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls

Review theme: The equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS (agreed conclusions from the fifty-third session)

Emerging issue: Key gender equality issues to be reflected in the post-2015 development framework

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NAWO Statement to the 57th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women 

The National Alliance of Women’s Organisations (UK), NAWO, is an umbrella for women’s organisations – service, campaigning and lobbying, networks, single or multi-issue, working in local, regional, national and international arenas. All members of the Alliance must subscribe to CEDAW and the Beijing Platform for Action; these international instruments hold groups together (faith groups for example) that might otherwise disagree. All in NAWO seek gender equality and women’s access to their human rights globally as well as at home. With violence against women in all its forms evident and pervasive throughout the world cruelly preventing women and girls – including infants and very young girls – from accessing their human rights and leading reasonable lives, NAWO believes that the two-week session of CSW, valuable as it is, and hopeful as we are of a successful outcome, to be insufficient.

Click here to keep reading: NAWO Statement to CSW57

CSSW57 people

NAWO held a number of successful side events at CSW 57; read on below for all the details.

CSW 57 Side Event Posters

Voices: Young people consider CSW57’s issues

‘Hate Crime’. Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities. Gendered People: Gendered Acts

Plight to Prosperity: Changing the Lives of Widows

Global Goals: Making them Work

Lessons Learnt on VAWG: A Better Future

CSW 57 Side Event Reports

Follow the links below to read reports on the various side events held by NAWO in New York this year:

Violence in Widowhood: Hidden and Unaddressed

‘Hate Crime’. Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities. Gendered People: Gendered Acts. Jane’s Experience.

Global Goals: Making them Work

Lessons learnt on VAWG: A Better Future

CSW 57 Side Events Speeches

Click here to read a collection of speeches that were given by NAWO Youth Caucus representatives at this year’s CSW in New York:

Sex trafficking: 17th-Century Abuses in a 21st-Century World

HIV/Aids Prevention and the Role of Boys and Men

Sexual Violence against Girls with Disabilities and a Way Forward

Young Widows: A Neglected Gender and Human Rights Issue

The Future of Violence against Women Post 2015

The Role of Men and Boys in Preventing VAWGWidows, Social Stigma and the Capacity for Change

What we need instead of MDGs