CSW 2019 Events
CSW62 took place in 2019. The following information and events are saved for archiving purposes.
NAWO Women, peace and security network.
Best practice in legislation for survivors of domestic violence
UK NGO CSW Alliance, Law Society of England and Wales, NAWO.
Round table with parliamentarians and young women
UK Mission, NAWO YWA, UK Youth caucus.
Addressing Gender Through the Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration
Organizer: PPSEAWA International
Co-organizer: Soroptimist International
Vocational Training of Women: an Excellent Investment
Soroptimist International of Europe
Women’s Access to Services in Times of Political Uncertainty
Sponsor: Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
Making the economy work for women: Rights and realities
AWID, FEMNET, PSI, IWDA and Womankind
Lifting Women from Poverty Through Lifelong Learning
Organizer: Soroptimist International
Ensuring robust spaces for civil society to strengthen sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
CSW Alliance
Social Protection, Gender Equality, and Women’s Empowerment
UN Mission of the Republic of Korea
Co-organizer: International Council of Women
Development education and it’s role in empowerment: case studies from the Pacific Rim
Equality for Women=Prosperity for All
Faith & Feminism: Forward looking strategies on social protection
Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Youth: a key to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
Every woman matters – Social protection and older women’s economic empowerment
Age International
Window on widows of all ages: agents of change not merely recipients of social protection and public services
Widows Rights International (WRI)
Best practice in legislation for survivors of domestic violence
Mayor of New York Commissioner on GBV, UK NGO CSW Alliance, Law Society of England and Wales, NAWO.
Round table with parliamentarians and young women
UK Mission, NAWO YWA, UK Youth caucus.
Addressing Gender Through the Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration
Organizer: PPSEAWA International
Co-organizer: Soroptimist International
Vocational Training of Women: an Excellent Investment
Soroptimist International of Europe
Co-organizer: Soroptimist International, Women for Water Partnership, BPW
Window on widows of all ages: Agents of change not merely recipients of social protection and public services
Working towards greater implementation of 1325 – models of best practice States Parties and civil society
Speakers include Grant Shubin, Deputy Legal Director Global Justice Center, Activists from Cameroon and Niger, Organisations from Libya and the UK Young women
NGO/GO Partnership for Women Under the Service of Domestic Violence
Modern Women’s Foundation SIA President-Elect, Tina Pan’s Foundation
Advancing Women’s Legal Rigths to Water Organizer: Women for Water Partnership
Co-organizer: Soroptimist International, BPW
Launch of a Global Feminist Alliance for Trade Justice
Gender and Trade Coalition
Is current governance infrastructure, including the judicial and legal system, delivering for women and girls?
UNCSW63 parallel event.
Robust and independent judicial and legal institutions as a way of addressing women’s empowerment
NAWO, Law Society of England and Wales, World Bank
Strengthening protection for women: delivering on the CEDAW recommendations through the SDGs
Public health investment in rural areas for women and girls
Vision Voices – voices of young women on social protection, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of girls
Migrant women and girls in crisis: the untold stories of migrant women and girls in accessing social protection
Justina Mutale Foundation
Ensuring public services and infrastructure are responsive to the needs and accessible to all women
IPU, UN Women (NAWO YWA speaker)
There is no social protection unless it is gender sensitive
UN Women NC UK
Women’s Access to Services in Times of Political Uncertainty
Sponsor: Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
Making the economy work for women: Rights and realities
AWID, FEMNET, PSI, IWDA and Womankind
Lifting Women from Poverty Through Lifelong Learning
Organizer: Soroptimist International
Ensuring robust spaces for civil society to strengthen sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
CSW Alliance
Development education and it’s role in empowerment: case studies from the Pacific Rim
Equality for Women=Prosperity for All
Faith & Feminism: Forward looking strategies on social protection
Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Youth: a key to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
Every woman matters – Social protection and older women’s economic empowerment
Age International
From the Cradle to the Grave: Social Protections for Women and Girls
Organizer: Mission of Romania and Soroptimist International
Girls Excluded: The body confidence crisis and tools for action
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Our streets too. Listen to Girls’ voices
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Unlocking the Power of Faith
UN Commission on the Status of Women #63
The definition of empowerment in the context of Agenda 2030
Ensuring all gender targets of Agenda 2030 are implemented
CSW Alliance
Best practice models for States Parties working with civil society at CSW
CSW Alliance and UK GEO
Advancing Women’s Legal Rights to Water
Women for Water Partnership
Co-Organizer: Environmental Law Institute
Ensuring women’s voices are heard in the implementation of Agenda 2030
Widow’s empowerment and the link to sustainable development
The role of development education regarding the impact of sustainable development on women and girls
The role of ethical business to aid women’s empowerment in the light of Agenda 2030
Global Citizens – Global Coverage for Women and Girls
Coalition for Global Citizenship 2030
Co-Organizer: Soroptimist International